
Company profile
Li Mei fine chemlcal (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. is the apelincl oompany authorized in Chinese with scientific
research. production and sales as one of the road environmental protection newmaterial Co, Ltd. islocated inthe mostvibrant clty of ChinaShanghai Zhangjiang High Teoh Park of Jiading business park. Thelaying of Li Mel enterprses adopt LIM_MMA series color road ooating technology oan be widely used in the productlon of Amercan hlghway, fast road or accident prone Road. highway ETC dedioated channel, turn road, tunnel entrance or anti-skld treatment Road. bus rapid transit lane, bus bay, orossing the road, railway, alrport waltlng area. wharf, square. parking, sidewalks, bikelanes, pedestrian road flyover LIM_ MMA seres color antlskld pavement is a new international road surfaoe technology. lt has the advantages of bright oolors. strong guldance, increasing skid resistance and so on. lt has been widely reoognized in the world. and has received extensive attention in china.